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What is the DDEO?

The Delaware Dance Education Organization (DDEO) is a vibrant state affiliate of the National Dance Education Organization. NDEO is an organization driven by its members. Each member has the opportunity to vote, hold office, develop publications, choreograph, teach dance and other academics related to the art, research, and much more! 


To the larger extent, the members are what determines the future direction of the organization, thus changing dance education in the United States. 

By joining DDEO, you have a dual membership with our DDEO and NDEO. Membership benefits allow you access to many different opportunities, including the following:

Professional Development

Opportunities for Leadership

Research and Publications

Awards and Scholarships

Standards for practicing Dance Education

National Honor Society and Recognitions

A Network of Leads and Peers 

A National Voice to advocate for Dance Education

Membership Rates:
Individual Memberships
Professional Member: $115/year
Ph.D./Ed.D. Candidate member: $115/year
Young Professional: $85/year
Retiree Member: $60/year
Student Memberships
Graduate Student: $75/year
Undergraduate Student: $50/year
Institutional Memberships
Dance Studio: $185/year
K-12 Schools: $185/year
Performing Arts Organization: $185/year
Higher Education Institution: $250/year
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